Peace Education Program

SEPA’s Peace Education is a unique learning program in which students learn about the benefits of peace and the troubles of war in a practical and interesting approach.  Starting in primary school, students participate in a peace curriculum in a dedicated ‘peace room’ where they learn about the concept of peace and are made aware of its importance and benefits.

What is Peace Education?

Our structured curriculum teaches children that peace is essential to building important positive attributes such as good health, tranquility, happiness, compassion, and mercy.  Students also learn that peace promotes unity, makes societies successful and helps them progress towards development.  In peace, society’s resources are used on building more schools, building roads, parks, and bridges.  People have more job opportunities and society enjoys overall serenity. 

The curriculum also teaches students the dangers and destructions of war.  Students learn that war, unlike peace, creates destruction and hatred where they are not positive learning. Everyone’s rights are compromised, human relations get weakened, and sense of compassion, affection, and help disappear. Children are orphaned while their widowed mothers struggle to provide a living because war increases unemployment. Also, many other people get disabled with amputated limbs, blind or emotionally ill.  In sum, in war cruelty reaches its peak, and the spirit of revenge becomes stronger, and society is left with destroyed houses, bridges, and schools. 

Why Peace Education?

Afghanistan faced a relentless 40 years of violence and war.  The country still struggles with destructions of the war.  Most Afghan children are children of the war and have been immensely impacted.  They have witness war and witness the remnant of war in Afghan society every day. They witness how war has created poverty and struggle in society.  SEPA considers it necessary to teach these Afghan children the benefits and advantages of peace and the disadvantages of war so that they grow up and contribute to sustainable peace in Afghan society.   

How is the Program Delivered?

SEPA executes the peace education program compliments classroom education alongside the educational curriculum in public and private schools. SEPA’s Peace Education Program is a 12-level program that begins in grade 1 and continues through the end of the secondary period (i.e., grade 12). The peace education program is conducted outside of formal school hours.  SEPA trains dedicated teachers in Peace Education who plan and deliver the education program in consideration of the students’ needs and interests.