English and Technology Education

SEPA’s English language and Technology Education program is a blended and unique program that helps Afghan students learn the English language and improving their skills in using technology for their education. 

Why English Language?

The desire to learn English languages is high among all Afghans especially the young and children.  This desire stems from seeing English as an important language for both personal and professional development.  Many students aspire using English language to get better paid jobs in the NGO sector in Afghanistan, use it to get higher education in other countries and utilize it for other professional and personal needs. 

Why Technology Education?

The rapid growth and expansion of globalization has also altered the Afghan society.  Most Afghans including children have access to mobile devices, laptop, and tablets.  Young children are kept learning and mastering technology for both personal and professional development.  

The expansion of social media outlets such as Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram and TikTok has altered the Afghan society as well.  Many Afghans use these platforms daily communicating, learning, and entertaining themselves.  These needs and a desire to master these platforms,  therefore, encourage and motivate millions of Afghans to learn how these new technologies work and use them for personal growth and development.

How does SEPA Implement the Programs?

SEPA’s unique and high standard curriculum is prepared to help children in Afghan schools learn the English language and technology use.  Running dedicated English Language and Computer Labs in supported Afghan public schools, the program helps children participate in the English language and technology learning programs daily.  The curriculum is divided into 12 levels, each of which is taught in the respective school grades. 

SEPA also trains dedicated teachers in both teaching the English language and computer education program in a structured teacher training program before teachers can these the skills in schools. 

SEOPA see the English language and computer skills important for the personal and professional growth of Afghan children.  By helping Afghan children learn the English language and computer technology, SEPA promotes its vision to help each Afghan child access high quality education in Afghanistan.